Determines the login state of a person visiting accountkit.com Contents: Account kit access token
Procedure: 30 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Authenticates logins using Account Kit Contents: Request time value
Procedure: 30 minuti
Domein: facebook.com
Records the Facebook URL that an individual landed on after clicking on an ad promoting Facebook
Procedure: 30 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Insecure indicator
Procedure: 90 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Used in conjunction with the xs cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook. Contents: User ID
Procedure: 90 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Used to prevent creation of fake / spammy accounts. Datr cookie is associated with a browser, not individual people.
Procedure: 2 anni
Domein: facebook.com
Used to enable device-based logins Contents: Login authentication values
Procedure: 2 anni
Domein: facebook.com
Used to open a specific location in an advertiser's app upon installation
Procedure: 28 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Contains a unique browser and user ID, used for targeted advertising.
Procedure: 90 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Stores an encryption key used to encrypt cookies
Procedure: 2 anni
Domein: facebook.com
Records the age of Facebook javascript files.
Procedure: 7 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
This cookie contains the display locale of the last logged in user on this browser. This cookie appears to only be set after the user logs out. The locale cookie has a lifetime of one week.
Procedure: 7 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Used to record whether the person chose to remain logged in Contents: User ID and miscellaneous log in information (e.g., number of logins per account, state of the remember me check box, et
Procedure: 2 anni
Domein: facebook.com
Used to authenticate your identity on Facebook's mobile website. Contents: Email, User ID, authentication value, version, user agent capability, creation time, Facebook version indicator
Procedure: 90 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Ad optout cookie
Procedure: 5 anni
Domein: facebook.com
Used to record that a device or browser logged in via Facebook platform. Contents: Y/N
Procedure: 90 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Used to optimize site performance for advertisers
Procedure: 7 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies.
Procedure: 90 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies.
Procedure: 2 anni
Domein: facebook.com
Optimizes recovery flow after failed login attempts Contents: Encrypted user ID, contact point, time stamp, and other login information
Procedure: 1 giorno
Domein: facebook.com
This cookie stores the browser window dimensions and is used by Facebook to optimise the rendering of the page.
Procedure: Session
Domein: facebook.com
Used in conjunction with the c_user cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook. Contents: Session ID, creation time, authentication value, secure session state, caching group ID
Procedure: 90 giorni
Domein: facebook.com
Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
Procedure: 2 anni
Domein: facebook.com
Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers
Procedure: 4 mesi
Domein: facebook.com